Broward County GIS Address Points

This  GIS Address Point dataset was created and updated by Broward County GIS. As of May 1st, 2015, all single-family residential homes have been updated in this layer and placed on corresponding building footprints when applicable. Since then other addresses are added as they become available from various authoritative sources. December 2016 reprojected to NAD 1983 HARN State Plane Florida East FIPS 0901 Feet.·         Regular updates to this dataset as new data is submitted and verified.·         Data is considered current.

This layer is not a complete set of addresses in Broward County. We are in the process of accomplishing our goal to provide emergency services with a precise dataset conducive to rapid and efficient emergency response. Expected completion date is unknown at this time. Future enhancements will include addresses for multi-family residences, strip malls, businesses, etc.Source: BCGIS,, BCPAEffective Date: 2019Update cycle; Daily

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated August 10, 2023, 21:42 (UTC)
Created August 10, 2023, 21:42 (UTC)
dcat_issued 2023-05-23T17:50:33.000Z
dcat_modified 2023-08-08T19:21:59.741Z
dcat_publisher_name cjennings_BCGIS
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-80.8732,25.9585],[-80.8732,26.3536],[-80.0744,26.3536],[-80.0744,25.9585],[-80.8732,25.9585]]]}